All of us are loyal citizens of Oceania, pure in thought, word, and deed. We embrace the principles of AmCap and venerate our leader Big Brother by all of the names he is known. Today, however, we will be looking at a topic far less palatable. It is an area that is disgusting and far too unpleasant to discuss frequently, but it is useful to know at least a little bit about it. The topic in question involves the vile and perverted beliefs of our eternal enemies, the barbarians and thugs on the left.
Oceania is successful, peaceful, wealthy, and prosperous because its citizens live according to the principles of AmCap. AmCap predates the ideology of our eternal enemies on the left by quite some time; in fact, the vile ideology of the brutish ruffians on the left is a perversion of AmCap itself; twisted and mutated into a disgusting and distorted mockery of what it once was by the very worst traitor, Emmanuel Goldstein. Although there are many traitors and thought criminals, some of them guilty of hundreds or even thousands of murders, Emmanuel Goldstein is recognized as by far the worst for this very reason— it was he who initially corrupted the principles of AmCap in this fashion to produce the vile and disgusting beliefs held by the terrorists today and the socialists who support them.
The evil ideology held by our eternal enemies on the left and the traitors who support them is called socialism. If you hear the word "socialism" fall from anybody's lips without mockery, scorn, disgust, fear, and loathing, then that person is either a fool or a thought criminal and should be reported to the thought police as a precaution. Please note that some proles still use the archaic words for beliefs and principles; thought criminals or enemy spies may try to avoid detection by disguising themselves as proles and using the archaic words. Even the most ignorant of proles can tell that this ideology is pure evil, but some members of the Outer Party may be unfamiliar with the archaic terms and thus fail to recognize when socialism is discussed.
Please note that the archaic term for AmCap is American Capitalism and the archaic term for socialism is "progressivism" or "liberalism." If the former is mentioned with scorn, hate, disgust or fear or the latter is mentioned without, please contact the thought police at the next possible opportunity.
The ideology of socialism is too disgusting to describe in detail. It involves support for the barbarians who wish to harm us, venerates the lazy while punishing the productive, and demands the suppression of all needs and desires to the supremacy of the State. Socialism holds that men can marry any number of women they want (or even other men), and that the lesser races are free to do as they wish as though they were equal. Above all, socialism requires a cult-like worship of a particularly short and vile little woman named Hillary Clinton. This worship of Hillary Clinton leads the fanatical socialists and traitors to take great offense to any criticism of Hillary Clinton.
Naturally, this is a subject that makes people uncomfortable (as it should), but it is a subject important to discuss because knowledge of the enemy is a good thing. Although our soldiers are doing a very good job of destroying the socialist menace, it helps if civilians in Oceania's cities and countryside are prepared to defend our country and uncover traitors, terrorists, and spies hidden in our midst. Knowledge of the disgusting ideology that motivates our enemies is useful to that end.
Here are some tips to discover traitors and terrorists hidden among us:
-Since socialism requires worship of the disgusting woman known as Hillary Clinton, criticism of this woman will enrage left-wing terrorists. Thus, criticism of Hillary Clinton can be used as an instrument to distinguish between loyal citizens and terrorists.
-The complicated rules of socialism require that laziness be celebrated and productivity be punished, that men must marry other men (or little children, which is essentially the same thing), and women must kill any babies they accidentally conceive. While men who marry women may seem innocent, this is a common disguise among socialists. A more reliable test would be to ask the suspected socialist to sign a petition asking for the government to provide welfare to the lazy.
-The absurd rules of socialism bar any form of initiative or investment in anything productive, yet they require socialists to talk about "hypocrisy." A person who is properly loyal to AmCap would never speak of hypocrisy regarding AmCap values the way socialists are known to.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Posted by
6:29 PM
minitrue-approved statements
Labels: socialism
Thursday, October 11, 2018
A Glorious Victory
During the past night while everyone slept, our brave soldiers fighting the war against our eternal enemies, the terrorists, have won yet another glorious victory! They successfully destroyed yet another band of terrorists, thus bringing the war one step closer to an end. In this battle, however, they captured several key leaders of the terrorist insurgency. With these key leaders under Oceania's control, we will be able to completely rout the enemy. Interrogations have already uncovered several key weapons deposits and safehouses used by the terrorists, and we may very well be able to breach their security and capture the head of the terrorist movement within the next few years.
In order to celebrate this tremendous victory, the national tax will be reduced effective January 1, 2019. Although the Ministry of Plenty had not scheduled any decrease in the national tax before January of 2024, the Party has decided that an unplanned celebration was in order as a response to this wonderful news.
More important than the increased medical care ration, however, is the fact that the war is now within measurable distance of its end. Unfortunately, despite scoring this glorious victory against the evil terrorists, our mission is not yet accomplished. In any case, we fully expect to have every last one of our brave soldiers home in time for the festivities on December 31st, 2020.
Posted by
7:45 AM
minitrue-approved statements
Monday, September 24, 2018
Physical Jerks
It's Monday morning! All Outer Party members should be getting up now and preparing for work. It is now time for the Physical Jerks.
The Physical Jerks are a series of exercises designed to provide strength and fitness to get through the day. We aren't all able to fight on the front lines, but it is still important that we remain healthy. For that reason, we will be introducing the Physical Jerks to the proles. Schedules will be distributed within a few days detailing when and where trainers will be made available.
Posted by
7:30 AM
minitrue-approved statements
Labels: Health
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
All Prizes Have Been Claimed
All lottery prizes have now been claimed. Thank you for playing the lottery. Remember to buy your tickets for next week!
Posted by
2:47 PM
minitrue-approved statements
Labels: Lottery, Ministry of Plenty
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Lottery Winner
Yesterday, the Ministry of Plenty announced the winners from last week's lottery, but some prizes remain uncollected! These are the winners of last week's lottery.
Martin P. Dance— $10,000,000
Additional Prizes:
Leslie Q. Perkinson— $1,000,000
Bruce Z. Pattermar— $1,000,000
Carmen D. Galener— $100,000
Randolph K. Patterson— $100,000
Martin H. Lancaster— $100,000
Small Prizes:
Nathan K. Panderson— $10
Walt J. Landers— $10
John P. Wight— $10
Mark L. Smith— $10
Alex N. Larson— $10
Jason D. Marron— $1
Adam R. German— $1
Carol F. Aaron— $1
Patricia L. Brown— $1
Two additional small prizes have already been claimed. Winning tickets can be redeemed at the Ministry of Plenty and some Party shops.
Winning ticket must be presented to receive prize. All winners subject to validation. Members of the Party are prohibited from entering the Lottery.
Posted by
11:30 AM
minitrue-approved statements
Labels: Lottery, Ministry of Plenty
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Hate Week Finale
Just several days ago, we were attacked. The filthy murdering immigrant caravan besieged our great nation's borders and prepares now to murder millions of innocent Oceanian civilians. It is clear that the immmigrants are brutal and uncivilized barbarians, and their atrocities must be stopped. If we are to merely survive, we cannot allow a single immigrant to remain alive, since every single man, woman, and even child migrant is a disgusting terrorist hell bent on destroying our glorious nation of Oceania and everything she stands for. Mexico is a murdering rogue nation, and the entire world will be better when they have been destroyed. They have attacked us on this very day, and continue to lay siege outside our borders preparing future attacks. They have attacked unarmed civilians here in Oceania itself! Their allies have also brutally murdered Oceanian citizens with bombs in the province of Airstrip One, and they have launched many similar attacks against our traditional allies in Eurasia. These terrorists would kill us all if they could, and we must wipe them from the face of the Earth before they can!
Yet, despite the clear menace of the terrorist nation of Mexico, there are defeatists and traitors in this country who wish to leave them free to kill again! Oceania's purity has been contaminated by these disgusting perverted traitors— disgusting subhumans who call themselves "socialists" while swearing loyalty oaths to the worst traitor of them all, Emmanuel Goldstein. These disgusting "socialists" are all traitors, down to the last one of them, as they wish to see Oceania destroyed by the evil terrorists in Mexico. Even as we are on the verge of defeating the disgusting, bestial demons in Mexico, they deny that we are winning, insisting that we aren't even fighting a war, not because the threat isn't real but because they wish we would lose. It is unthinkable that anyone in Oceania could sympathize with the disgusting thugs in Mexico, especially after they attacked us and continue to do so, but the socialists do just that.
Don't be deceived by Goldstein or the socialists who work for him. Mexico is a rogue terrorist state and the Mexican people are brutish madmen who have killed Oceanian citizens before exactly six hours ago, and will do it again.
There is no answer to that except a call to arms. No one who has seen that could come to any conclusion other than the fact that the terrorists must be completely destroyed at any cost. That's what they did, and that's what they hope to do again. That is why we fight.
Luckily, Big Brother is more powerful than all socialists combined and has sent the grand army to defend our borders and protect Oceania from these criminals.
We must never give up. We will fight the terrorists until we win. We must not let the terrorists or the socialist traitors at home stop us. To victory!
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Hate Week, Day 5
Remember the warnings of what would happen when the terrorist migrant caravan reached our borders? Only a few days from now, we will be mourning the loss of those thousands of innocent Oceanic civilians killed by our eternal enemies, the terrorists, unless we stop that caravan in its tracks. Yet, there are still people in Oceania who believe that we should not fight back. Even here in America, the best of all the Oceanic provinces, which is most directly threatened by the caravan, people believe we should do nothing about it; that we should welcome them with open arms even as they wish for our destruction. Even when our traditional allies in Eurasia struggle to defend themselves against the migrant terrorist hordes, we should accept them with unconditional surrender.
Who are they? Who are these filthy cowards who would love nothing more than to see Oceania attacked again? They go by many names; liberals, socialists, terrorists, abortionists, soyboys, cucks, NPCs. Yet despite their many names, they all share loyalty to the worst traitor of all, Emmanuel Goldstein. When we are attacked, we fight back as hard as we could, even invading Mexico if that is required to defend ourselves. Now, the socialists want us to welcome Mexican terrorists into our midst. This is not only cowardly, it is treason!
Millions of Oceanians will die if we allow this to happen. Are we going to let the disgusting terrorists and their socialist puppet representatives cripple our ability to fight back?
Posted by
9:29 AM
1 minitrue-approved statements
Labels: Hate Week